The Cool Mom Co. Book Club: Gardening and Food Reads You Won’t Want to Miss

Here, at The Cool Mom Co., we are SO pumped for the warmer weather that summertime brings. From sunset walks to fresh produce, we can’t wait to enjoy everything summer has to offer. That includes approaching our gardens and food with more intention.

If you, like us, are looking to get some inspiration for your summer garden and meal plans, you’ve come to the right place! We’ve compiled a list of our absolute favorite books all about gardening, homegrown food, and delicious cooking. Just don’t read them on an empty stomach!

Fresh Banana Leaves: Healing Indigenous Landscapes Through Indigenous Science by Jessica Hernandez, Ph.d

Indigenous communities undeniably are facing more devastation from climate change than any other community on the planet. Additionally, these communities protect more than 80% of the planet’s overall biodiversity. 

Despite that, indigenous science and knowledge is hugely underrepresented in conversations about protecting the environment. Hernandez, an environmental scientist, seeks to break down those barriers in her book. Here, she proposes a new vision for the future of planet Earth. One where indigenous voices are not displaced or ignored but placed in the center of the discussion. 

Life In The Garden by Penelope Lively

Booker Prize-winning author Penelope Lively turns to her own memories to craft this stunning non-fiction novel. Starting from her childhood in Cairo, all the way to the streets of London, Lively reflects on her life through her passion for gardening, and how that passion has shaped her through each phase of her life. 

Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life by Barbara Kingsolver

In 2004, acclaimed author Barbara Kingsolver and her family moved from their urban home in Arizona to a 100-year-old farmhouse in Virginia. Now, with acreage to attend to, they made a commitment to leave behind the industrial food pipeline. For one year, they committed to only consuming food that they grew, or that community members cultivated. Otherwise, they would learn to live without it.

What follows is a heartwarming story that is half memoir and half education. Kingsolver, with her characteristically beautiful prose, breaks down the flaws in our food industry, and how it is up to us to fix them. 

Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer

As an indigenous scientist, author Kimmerer has long been aware of the fact that plants have much to teach us. In her book, she takes us through the lessons a variety of plants have to offer. All of it circles back to the central truth that humans are a part of nature, and not above it. In order to co-exist peacefully in the world, we have to learn to work with it, not around it. 

Welcome To The Farm: How-To Wisdom from The Elliott Homestead by Shaye Elliott

You might be familiar with Shaye Elliott from her beautifully curated Instagram page, depicting life on her homestead. Or perhaps you’ve stumbled upon her popular YouTube channel, where she teaches cooking and food preservation techniques. 

Her book is a continuation of that same work, providing helpful tips and insights to experienced homesteaders, and newbie gardeners alike. The book is packed with her beautiful photography and includes some of her favorite family recipes.

The Rooted Life: Cultivating Health And Wholeness Through Growing Your Own Food by Justin Rhodes

Justin Rhodes is a permaculturalist, who knows firsthand the power of food. After years of struggling with systemic illness, his whole life changed when he began to grow his own food. After years of studying, and trial and error, he has become passionate about teaching people the benefits of growing their own food, sustainably. 

This book is the cultivation of years of knowledge, and takes readers through the basics of gardening, cooking and preserving your own food, and even tips on things like raising chickens. Perfect for the newbie gardener, you will find a wealth of knowledge inside.

Let us know which book is your vibe and if we should add any to our list? Happy reading!

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