10 Benefits of Starting A Yoga Practice

We get it. You’re sick and tired of hearing about the amazing, transformative powers of yoga. You have to listen to it from your best friend, your co-worker, your celebrity crush on Instagram, and now us?

Here’s the deal, Mama: You know that your friends at The Cool Mom Co. have got your back in all areas. So, we can’t let you off the hook without trying to convince you one last time to give this life-changing practice a try.

Yoga is a practice that accepts all bodies and all fitness levels. Plus, the mental benefits may just outweigh the physical. Don’t just take our word for it, though. Read on to find how you could start turning your life around with a regular yoga practice, starting today!

Committing To Yourself

Showing up for yourself, regularly, can have a huge impact on your overall quality of life. It sends a message to your brain that you are worth the time and energy you are using to take care of yourself. 

Committing to yourself also teaches valuable lessons in follow-through. There will always be days where it seems like it would be nicer to get an extra half an hour of sleep or to spend your free time catching up with the latest Netflix hit. 

Practicing yoga consistently, even on the days that you don’t want to, will prove to yourself that you are more than capable of doing hard things, and pushing past mental blocks.

Building Strength

The truth is that there is no such thing as a yoga body. If you’ve got a body, you can do yoga. That being said, yoga is a great activity to help you get fit. 

From a physical perspective, yoga uses bodyweight exercises to build strength. The moves often target muscles in the arms, shoulders, and core that aren’t always targeted in traditional workout programs. If your goal is to build lean, toned muscles, yoga could be a perfect option!


One of the things that makes yoga so unique, as a workout, is it’s focus on flexibility. It’s also the aspect of yoga that most people find intimidating.

With regular practice, you’ll be surprised how quickly your flexibility increases. With it, you might notice a variety of other benefits, including better posture and less back and neck pain. 

Coping Techniques

Yoga focuses on self-awareness and tuning into the breath. Practicing this sort of mindfulness on the mat can help you lean deeper into poses, and find a deep sense of calm. It doesn’t have to stop when class ends, however. You can take these techniques into your everyday life, as well!

Paying attention to the breath, and practicing calm, conscious breathing can help you reset your mind when you are feeling particularly stressed and anxious. 

Greater Sense of Calm

A regular yoga practice can help you cultivate a greater sense of calm in your everyday life. Taking the time to process your thoughts on the mat, can help you go through the rest of your day feeling clear-headed and capable of taking on various problems. 


Yoga is generally considered a solitary activity. The focus on inner work and calm doesn’t necessarily seem like it would lend itself to making new friends. However, attending local yoga classes can be a great way to help build your community.

Yoga comes in a wide variety of forms, which means it can be tailored to your specific lifestyle. Looking to make some more mom friends? Consider joining a postpartum yoga class. Need a group of people with similar fitness goals to you? See if your local yoga studio offers any challenges or class packages, tailored towards building strength. You’ll likely find other like-minded people there with you!

Modeling Healthy Behavior

We all want our families to live healthy, fulfilling lives. One of the best ways to do this, is to model what that behavior looks like to them.

Showing our kids a healthy relationship to fitness can unconsciously inspire them to do the same. In addition, using the coping mechanisms we use in yoga class, such as taking breaks to breathe when we are upset, can show kids positive examples of how to use their emotions.


One of the best parts about yoga is that it is always changing. There are numerous different styles to choose from, and even the same style will likely incorporate different poses in each class.

This keeps each yoga class mentally and physically exciting. If you are new to the practice, we recommend trying a variety of styles to find which one works best for you.

Cross Training Benefits

We’ve got good news for you! Yoga is the perfect pairing for almost any exercise routine. 

Because it is a relatively low-impact form of exercise, it can be ideal for alternating with more high-impact forms of exercise, like running. The flexibility and balance gained from practicing yoga regularly can help with injury prevention and performance in other areas of your fitness life.

Practice at Home

Post-pandemic, more and more of us have ditched the gym membership in favor of at-home workouts. With good reason, too! At-home workouts are easy to fit in with a busy schedule and can be done at any time of day. Yoga is one of the easiest workouts to do at home. You can find endless free flows on sites like YouTube.

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