Cool Mom: Alix Angelis

Occupation: Actor & Director
Mom of: One kiddo

Can you tell us a secret no one would guess about you?

I have a teapot collection.

One meal you could eat everyday?

Sushi with hot green tea.

One vice you wont give up?

Chocolate. I was devastated when research came out about lead being in dark chocolate. So now I go out of the way to find the good stuff. 

Late riser or early bird?

Since becoming a mom, neither! I end up staying up way too late after bedtime to catch up on things and then sleep until kiddo gets up. She is very polite and sleeps til 8 most mornings. I hope I haven’t jinxed it! But in my fantasy I wake up a few hours before she does and write when I’m freshly rested. After a full day, my brain often feels like mush. 

Morning routine you swear by?

Honestly the routine is always being re-evaluated and shifted based on if I’m shooting something or my husband is producing a project but there was a sweet spot routine that I really enjoyed. – I love to greet my kiddo right when she wakes up. Lots of snuggles and kisses. We talk about her dreams. Then if her dad isn’t working, he makes oatmeal with her while I have a quick bite and go to a fitness class down the hill from my house. Yoga or barre or the fun trampoline bouncing class they have. Then I come home and we go to a class kiddo has or take a walk with the dog or go to the park or farmers market. That was a nice time. Moving my body in the first part of the day makes a big difference. 

One day I hope…

We can find a way to live sustainably on the planet… and there are healthy regulations in place surrounding toxins in our food and products so I don’t have to be quite as vigilant. Sometimes it feels like a full time job finding clean products for my family. 

More the merrier or less is more?

Definitely less is more for me. I’d rather have less clutter in my life and I feel good in a one on one social situation or a very small group. 

Cool Brands you love?

Anything from Credo (Clean Beauty Products)

Traditional Medicinals Tea (super clean)

I try to buy clothes second hand or borrow clothes for events to keep my impact low but Levi’s and Faherty are my brands for jeans which is honestly what I live in most of the time.

On the horizon: what’s coming soon?

Production of multiple sorts. I’m writing and plan to direct a feature inspired partially by my grandmother’s story as a young woman in Colombia. And we’re on a surrogacy journey to have our second child. I’m one of those people who loved being pregnant so I was heartbroken to find out that I can’t carry another time, but surrogacy is a beautiful possibility. 

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