Small Ways To Stay Active With Kids

From busy mornings, hectic days and the chaotic evening routine, finding time for yourself to workout or be active can be nearly impossible. Try adding kids into the routine and it can feel like a lost cause.

If you’ve been struggling to find a balance between living an active lifestyle and #MomLife, it might be time to consider combining the two. Yes, Mamas, you heard us right!

Doing physical activities as a family can have huge benefits for everyone involved. Kids who participate in regular physical activity are more emotionally regulated, sleep better at night, and develop better hand-eye coordination. Showing them examples of an active lifestyle can help healthy habits for the rest of their lives. 

Not sure where to start? Here are our favorite ways to get moving with the whole fam!

Go On A Hike

There’s no better family activity than going on a hike. You’ve heard us talk about the physical and mental benefits of spending time outdoors, and those benefits can apply to your kiddos, as well! 

Spending time in nature is also a great way to foster your childs’ confidence and curiosity about the world around them. Hiking requires you to use problem solving skills (“How do I get across this stream without getting my shoes wet? What is the best path to use to climb this hill?”), as well as develop strength and coordination. 

Swim Lessons

Swim lessons are not just a fun summer activity. Learning to swim is a vital safety tool for all kids. Taking your little ones to the pool to teach them the basics of swimming is a great way for you to get moving, while teaching them essential life skills. Don’t feel confident teaching on your own? Look for “Mommy and Me” or “Daddy and Me” swim classes at your local pool or community center.

Cosmic Kids Yoga

Do you ever have those days where you would give up your life savings if the whole fam would just chill for a sec? Believe me, we’ve been there. Luckily, we all have access to Cosmic Kids Yoga.

Created by instructor Jamie Amor, Cosmic Kids Yoga aims to make yoga fun, accessible, and safe to children of all ages. In both the app, and their YouTube channel (boasting 1.3 million followers), guide Jamie talks the children through imaginative stories, featuring their favorite characters, all the while incorporating yoga poses and mindfulness. While the videos are definitely aimed at a younger audience, they are tons of fun for the whole family. 

Ninja Course

You can watch competitors on American Ninja Warrior wow audiences at home with their physical prowess. Now you can train your entire family to be ninja warriors, with these at-home courses.

With a variety of obstacles and challenges, these courses can be customized to fit your family’s specific needs and abilities. With elements like slacklines, monkey bars, and an obstacle net, you will all get to develop strength and balance, with guaranteed laughs built in.

Relay Race

Looking for a fun outdoor activity that will build teamwork and get your heart pumping? Try setting up a relay race in your backyard! Break the family into teams, and set up obstacles like hopscotch, bean bag tossing, and hula hooping. Everyone is sure to have fun and break a sweat.

Dance Party

Dance class is not just for kids anymore! Dancing is one of the best and most entertaining cardio workouts out there. The best part? No special skills required. 

You can create a fun dance party just about anywhere in your house. Draw the curtains, dim the lights, and switch on one of these Disco Party Lamps from Amazon, for the ultimate dance party experience. Kids will have fun with the color changing lights, and you can introduce them to all your favorite tunes from middle school (that’s still cool, right?). 

Looking for something with a bit more structure? Check your local dance studios and see if they offer any family style dance classes.

Bike Ride

A family bike ride is the perfect way to get a workout that everyone will enjoy. Look for local bike paths and trails near you, grab your helmet, and have fun.

If your kids are too little to bike on their own, consider investing in a bike trailer, like this one from REI. This handy piece of equipment is great for taking kids on longer distances they might not be able to handle on their own. Bonus for you? You get a free leg day workout, courtesy of the kiddos.

Strike A Pose

Sometimes, your kids just aren’t up for any physical activity. If they are more interested in playing dress up, or with their legos or blocks, no need to force it. You can play with your children in a way that follows their interests, while also getting some movement. For example, next time your child asks you to come over and play with their dolls, try sitting in a squat position, to work muscles you wouldn’t normally work, just by sitting on the floor. You can get really creative with this. Got an appointment with their pretend doctor kit? Do a wall sit, while your child does an “examination.” Stretch your legs as you work on that puzzle with them. It might not seem much but tiny bits of movement throughout the day can make a huge difference.

Do you have a favorite way to stay active as a family? Share with us in the comments below!

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