Self Care Rituals You’ve Never Thought About

‘Self-care’ can be an oddly loaded term for some of us.

It’s used in almost all forms of media these days. Self-care means wildly different things to different people. For one person, it can be as simple as taking a bubble bath at night. For someone else? It means a six mile run every morning (and if that is you, we applaud you).

With such variety, it can be difficult to find a routine that works for you. Well Mamas, we are here to remind you that self-care doesn’t have to be complicated. You don’t need a thirty minute meditation routine, followed by a green smoothie, and a journaling sesh ever morning (although it sure sounds nice). Self-care is really all about doing an activity that helps you feel at peace, and offers you mental clarity. If you are looking for some simple self-care rituals that you’ve never thought of before, we’ve got you covered!

Clearing Out Your Email Box

Often, we feel we need a moment of self-care the most when we are feeling overwhelmed. In those moments, taking the time to put on a face mask, or do a yoga practice can actually make us feel worse, because it’s time away from the tasks that are weighing us down.

Sometimes, the best thing we can do for ourselves is to tackle a task head on, so that we can free up that mental space. If any of this sounds relatable to you, we suggest you take a few hours to organize your email. This means responding to any messages you’ve been putting on the back burner, unsubscribing from those pesky mailing lists, and deleting old messages you no longer need. This will both help you make a dent in the work tasks hanging over your head, while also helping you focus by removing virtual clutter.

Clean Your Car

When you need an organized space to find some mental clarity, it might be best to start small. While a tidy home can be a game-changer, the reality is that sometimes we just don’t have enough hours in the day to get it all done.

Instead, we recommend taking the time to clean out your car. This will help you feel productive, while also giving you a manageable, clean space. 


Volunteering may seem like a counterintuitive way to care for yourself. After all, the very nature of volunteering means helping someone else, right?

While it’s true that volunteering doesn’t necessarily match with our pre-concieved notions of self-care, we think it’s a sure-fire way to help you feel better. There’s an old saying that goes “The best way to build self-esteem is through esteemable acts.” Giving a helping hand to a worthwhile cause can help you gain perspective, as well as build your own self-esteem.

Rearrange Your Furniture

Sometimes, all we need to feel our best is a little refresh! Give your space a new feel, without spending a dime, by rearranging the furniture. This is a great way to take care of yourself, by taking care of your space. It also might help you gain a better appreciation for the items you have, by helping you see them in a fresh light.

Ask For Help

Mamas, raise your hand if you’ve ever been overwhelmed and at your wits’ end, but still take care of everything yourself? Yeah. We’ve been there, and we’ve definitely done that.

One of the most powerful ways to care for yourself is to ask for help. We also know that it can sometimes feel like the scariest. None of us can do it all. Still resisting it? Think of your friends or even your children. Would you want them to struggle alone when you would be more than happy to lend a helping hand? Of course not. Know that that is how the people who love you feel about you, too. 

Lean Into Nostalgia

Sometimes, when life is stressful, you need to find something that is pure comfort for you. For a lot of us, the most comforting things in our lives are the things that remind us of being young and carefree. If life is feeling overwhelming, we suggest going back to the things you loved as a kid. Maybe that’s your favorite movie, or a beloved book. Whatever it is for you, nostalgia can be a powerful tool to take you out of your hectic everyday life, and back to a simpler time.

Listen to Music

For years, research has proven that music can have a huge impact on our overall mood. In fact, some research even shows that listening to music can act as a natural antidepressant. This is because listening to music – particularly upbeat, cheerful music – helps the brain release dopamine, which increases feelings of happiness. If you need to switch up the vibes in your day, try putting on your favorite album, and let music work it’s magic on your brain.

Practice Grounding

Grounding is a therapeutic technique that has grown in popularity, over the years. Based on the idea that the Earth gives off subtle electric charges, Grounding practitioners believe that reconnecting physically with that charge can have huge benefits.

The process of Grounding is very simple. All you have to do is connect your bare skin with the ground. This can be as simple as sitting in your backyard, or taking a walk on the beach. 

Make Yourself A Special Treat

Sometimes, our kids have the right idea. All of us need a treat, now and then. The good news? The process of making one can be as much of a self-care ritual as eating it can be. 

The research on the psychological benefits of cooking are new, but promising. Almost all studies find a positive correlation between preparing your own food and improved mood and self-esteem.

Whether you’re whipping up a batch of cookies, or just taking a little extra care with the night’s dinner, you can feel good knowing that you are taking the time and space to create something special for yourself.

Do you struggle to create a self-care routine? What are your favorite ways to take care of yourself? Share in the comments below!

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