Comfy Pieces You Can Look (and Feel) Good Lounging In

Photo: Lunya

Since we are still in the season of cold weather and hot cocoa — we’ve learned from the year of the house dress, we’re probably going to be spending more time at home. Sure, we might be swapping lively hangouts or office meetings for Zoom calls but that’s all the more excuse to break out of our boring loungewear rut and get into pieces that can transition from bed to zooms to running errands (if that’s still a thing!).

If you, too, are welcoming a much-needed change out of those tried and true sweatpants (I mean, that was most of 2020, right?), we’ve picked out some of our fave loungewear pieces that are just as cozy as they are chic.

Best Loungewear

Naked Cashmere Runa Top, $175; and Danica Joggers, $225

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