How to De-Stress Your Way to Success


amas, if holding it all together was considered a superpower, we would put Superman to shame. Between working, raising healthy and happy kids, and maintaining relationships with the adults in our lives…we have a TON on our plates.

Stress levels can be high! When we are constantly overwhelmed by the demands of everyday life, the truth is, it can be hard to celebrate the wins and successes that may come our way. They begin to feel ordinary just like another checkmark on a never-ending to-do list.

The Cool Mom Co. is here to help you switch up that inner dialogue, take a breather and celebrate your power and achievements, big or small. Let’s de-stress our way to success together!

Get In Control with Your Schedule

When you’re in charge of little humans it can feel like your time belongs to everyone except yourself. If that sounds like you, which it probably does, it may be time to factor in a bit more “me-time.” 

This starts with intentional scheduling. Taking the time to realistically prioritize what needs to get done can increase your productivity and peace of mind.

If you’re a visual learner, we highly recommend using a planner or calendar. Writing down your meetings, kids’ recitals and lunch dates with friends can help give you a broader view of what your week looks like. When things are visually manageable it can free up a lot of mental space as well.  We’re currently loving these floral planners from Rifle Paper Co., that scream springtime joy.

Sweat It Out

Elle Woods said it best when she told us that “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy.”

If you are struggling to find your inner zen, consider adding exercise to your daily routine.

It may not be your go-to thought when trying to add more zen into your routine but exercise reduces cortisol, the hormone that causes stress. Keeping your cortisol levels low has a variety of positive health effects on the body including strengthening your immune system and lowering blood pressure. Additionally, carving out time in your day to exercise can be a powerful self-care practice. As busy mamas on the go, it’s easy to put our wants and needs last. Carving out a dedicated space of time to take care of yourself can help train our brains to value our own well-being first. Without your peace of mind, trust us, no one in the family wins!

Invest in Your Interests

When you are overwhelmed it can be easy to relax in a mindless way. Turning on a Netflix show or mindless scrolling through social media can be obvious ways to relax, but they can also be time-consuming in a way that feels quite unfulfilling. 

Instead, try using your free time to lean into your other interests. Maybe you used to be a voracious reader but have fallen out of the habit? Maybe you enjoy painting, knitting, learning new dances, or other hobbies? Now is the time to tap back in.

Honoring our interests and creating time in which to pursue them is a valuable practice that can help us maintain our identity as an individual. Leaning into your interests can help you reconnect with a side of yourself you may have lost sight of, as well as give you a break from the undoubtedly daily stressors of the world.

Meal Prep

If you are the primary cook in your family, you know that mealtimes can quickly become an unavoidable source of stress. From people asking you “What’s for dinner?” to scrambling to come up with a palatable lunch out of half an onion and a box of pasta (we’ve been there too), preparing food can become a huge mental weight throughout the day.

An easy way to remove some stress is to plan your meals in advance. While you may have gotten into a routine of buying whatever looks good during your weekly grocery runs, taking the time to decide what meals you’d like to make for the week can help you save on time, money, and brainpower.

Stuck for ideas? Try investing in a recipe box – yup, just like your grandma had. By having cards with your family’s favorite meals written on them, you have a ready-made list of easy recipes you can rotate through each week. Bonus, it’s easy for your partner or another adult in the home, to find and re-create the meals too! For the newbie chefs consider trying out a meal subscription service to expand your repertoire. We’ve compiled a list of our favorites here.

Prioritize Connection

Stress is an isolating emotion. Often it comes from feeling like you alone are responsible for everything. At these times maintaining connections and meaningful relationships are more important than ever. 

When you are busy, scheduling a phone call or a coffee with a friend can seem like just one more task to get done. However, taking that time to connect with others can increase your overall well-being. 

Talking through your feelings can help you realize that others are going through similar things. Additionally, your family/friends can offer perspectives and solutions that may have worked for them in the past. 

Family Time

With so much external pressure and responsibility that comes with being a parent, boss, employee, and partner, it can be easy to lose sight of the important things. Little kids are only little for so long. Once they’ve grown up, you can never get that time back.

Making space to spend time with your family can be a huge stress reliever and even help you focus on what matters the most. 

While it definitely doesn’t have to be an epic adventure to be meaningful, gathering together for a board game or even an evening trip to the park as a family can be a great way to reconnect and maintain those close bonds we all strive for. 

There may be no magic cure-all for a stressful and hectic life but with these tips, you’ll be well on your way to finding moments of serenity and success every day!

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