Cool Mom: Shani Darden

Occupation: Founder of Shani Darden Skin Care, Esthetician, Entrepreneur

Mom of: 2

Can you tell us a secret no one would guess about you?

Though not a total secret, I got married to my husband on a group trip to Vegas, spur of the moment, with a bunch of my friends. 

One meal you could eat everyday?

Pizza! Extra sauce and extra cheese. It’s one of my favorite guilty pleasures. 

One vice you won’t give up?

I cannot and will not give up reality tv! It’s my guilty pleasure for sure. 

Late riser or early bird? 

I am not a great sleeper so I am always up very early! It’s typically my quiet time to actually focus on stuff and get things done before the kids are up and running around. 

Morning routine you swear by?

After cuddling with my daughters, I love to start my morning with a quick Facial Sculpting Wand treatment to help de-puff and lift your face! It’s my favorite way to start the day with glowing, toned skin. 

One day I hope…

To see a world where opportunities are available for everyone, regardless of gender or race. Raising two daughters has made me even more aware of the inequalities women and people of color face daily, and I hope for them that they grow up knowing they can do anything they choose to do despite it all. 

More the merrier or less is more?

Less is more, definitely, but I do love to entertain. So it just depends on the situation!

Cool Brands you love?

A few brands I love are Honest Beauty, Beis, Glosshood, and Canopy!

On the horizon: what’s coming soon?

I have a few product launches on the way for my skincare line! Looking forward to expanding the line and distribution to help even more people with their skin. 

Make sure to check out Shani on social @shanidarden and follow along for all of her new skincare must have product drops available at Sephora!

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