Cool Mom: Roda Ahmed

Occupation: New York Times Bestselling Author, Publisher, Founder & CEO of Hightree Publishing. Changing the world one book at time. Roda Ahmed website.
Mom of: 2

Can you tell us a secret no one would guess about you?

I am a certified Hot Yoga teacher and I’m obsessed with Rocky movies. 

One meal you could eat everyday?

Daniel Humm’s Greek Salad.

One vice you wont give up?

I will never not Dance if a classic tune blast from the past comes on. My body is forever programmed to instantly do the running man.

Late riser or early bird?

Early to bed early to rise. It’s one of my favorite daily rituals waking up before sunrise. 

Morning routine you swear by?

Mediation, gratitude journaling and waking up my husband with a fresh cup of coffee in bed. 

One day I hope…

there will be no more war in the world and that all children will be safe. 

More the merrier or less is more?

Less is always more. Live light and be light. All we need is in us. 

Cool Brands you love?

Honest, Gabriela Hearst, Lululemon, Barefoot dreams, and Uzo beauty 

On the horizon: what’s coming soon?

The first book in my children’s book series! I co wrote with Charnaie Gordon , Etta Extraordinaire just got released. In the spring I’ll be hosting my first silent writing retreat with my friend Steven Pressfield to help people overcome their Resistance and start writing. 

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