Cool Mom: Danielle Becker

Occupation: CEO & Founder of Lefty’s Right Mind
Mom of:

Can you tell us a secret no one would guess about you?

I can sleep anywhere.  Football Sunday.  Bars. Concerts. Been there, done them all.

One meal you could eat everyday?

I’m a snacker, so I’d say put me in a bodega and consider me a happy girl. 

One vice you wont give up?

Gummy Candy

Late riser or early bird?

Neither.  Being in bed is my favorite place but on the other hand, I am committed to my responsibilities.  It’s a total catch-22!

Morning routine you swear by?

My teeth are brushed the second I open my eyes. Then I go into my skincare routine, followed by making the bed (can’t start my day without it!) and a hot cup of green tea.  I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention being surrounded by my 2 toddlers and husband while I live this incredible morning dream sequence.

One day I hope…

that societal expectations are equal between women and men.  Like, why are we “working moms” and they are just “dad”?  Women are superheroes.

More the merrier or less is more?

 Less is more, except when referring to an arm party.  Bring on the bracelet stacks!

Cool Brands you love?

Anna October, PerfectWhiteTee, Gap, ShopbopArk Swimwear, Alix NYC

On the horizon: what’s coming soon?

A pinch me moment collaboration between LRM and a jewelry brand I have been a personal fan of for years.

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