Give Your Closet that Much Needed Refresh

With all the time we are spending at home, there has been more time to reflect upon what we really need. Every season, it’s always nice to hit the refresh button, especially in a house with growing kiddos. Shedding some of the items that no longer give you joy can make space for new, more meaningful things to enter. Read on for quick tips on how to give your closet that much needed refresh!


KonMari Method

Simplify and organize your home by getting rid of physical items that don’t bring joy to your life.  Sounds easy enough, right?  You will be surprised how attached we are to certain items.  This may take some deep breathing but if it doesn’t serve you in a positive way, it may be time to let it go.  Read up on Marie Kondo’s technique here.


Fold Clothes

Folding your clothes is also part of the KonMari method. The belief is that folded clothes in a dresser, where you can see them is much more effective than stacked on top of the other.  So much easier to find tops in the dresser!


Organize Closet by Color

Who doesn’t want their closet to look like their favorite clothing showroom? Color coordinating your pieces may give you all the happy feels but also makes it easier to style your pieces and keep things matching, especially on those busy mornings.


Donate or Sell 

What to do with those clothes that did not serve you or make you happy? Donate or sell them instead. There are many places that accept clothes in good condition from churches to donation centers. If your piece is a gem, take it to a consignment shop instead and make a little money. We love online shops like Poshmark and The RealReal.


Whether you clean the whole house or just a room, any little bit can help brighten your day and clear up the clutter!

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