Check Out Our Latest Kitchen Obsessions

Spring is in the air! With it comes a whole bunch of fresh seasonal ingredients that we’re thrilled to cook with again. Asparagus, arugula, ramps, fresh peas, and….well, we could go on, but we don’t want you to get too hungry.

If you’re excited to jump into your kitchen this spring, we’ve got the perfect list of kitchen tools and products to take your cooking game to the next level.

Copper Cookware

There’s been a real push over the past decade for people to consider not just the food they are cooking, but what they are cooking with. While Teflon-coated pans have reigned supreme for many years, we now know that the coating can leach toxic chemicals into the food we are cooking.

Many chefs are turning to copper cookware as a high-quality alternative. Besides adding a beautiful warmth to your kitchen visually, copper is one of the best metals to cook with. As one of the best heat conductors, copper pans heat up quickly and evenly. While these pieces are definitely on the pricier end for pots and pans, much like enameled cast irons, these are heirloom pieces that can be passed down in the family for generations to come.

However, it is important to make sure you are buying copper cookware from a reputable source. Proper copper cookware should be lined in stainless steel. We recommend this set from Williams-Sonoma as a great starter option.

Swedish Dishcloths

If you’re anything like us, you’ve seen these patterned cardboard feeling squares at your local health food stores for years without knowing what they are for. Well, it turns out they are your new kitchen must-have! 

Swedish dishcloths are reusable cloths that are made of cellulose and cotton. They can absorb up to 20x their weight in water and are biodegradable. Due to their breathable structure, they dry faster than sponges and conventional dish cloths. Looking a little dirty? Toss them in the dishwasher and they will be good as new.

An eco-friendly alternative to paper towels, you can find Swedish dishcloths from a variety of retailers in every pattern and color under the sun. We’re partial to these charming ones from Package Free.

Air Fryer

Some of us just don’t buy into the hype. We don’t fall into the traps of trends, or the latest gadgets and we are proud of it. We’ve been there, and we hate to break it to you but it might be time to make an exception for the humble mighty air fryer. 

You’ve seen them all over the ‘gram from food bloggers to fitness influencers alike, and with good reason!

These little machines crisp up food in half the time it takes to put it in the oven. Originally designed to create a healthier alternative to traditional deep frying, air fryers rapidly circulate hot air to ensure an even crispy cook. 

All of us are busy, and air fryers are great alternatives for those who want to eat a healthy meal but don’t have time to coddle a chicken breast over the stove. Simply season, spray lightly with oil, and voila! Dinner in 20 minutes!

We’re big fans of the pricing and customizable colors of this 2 Quart version by Bella.

Beeswax Wrap

The journey to free your kitchen from single-use plastics can feel like an uphill battle. Luckily, there are simple alternatives, like Bee’s Wrap

These cotton cloths are coated in a thin layer of beeswax, which allows them to fold and maintain their shape. You can use these saran wrap alternatives as eco-friendly wraps to pack your lunch or to store food in the refrigerator. Easily hand washable, these wraps can be composted when they are no longer maintaining their shape.

Lomi Kitchen Composter

If you are looking to step up your sustainability game, look no further than the Lomi Kitchen Composter.

Designed by Pela, the makers of the popular biodegradable phone case, this revolutionary tool makes composting easier than ever. 

Rather than paying your trash service to compost your waste, you can do it yourself with Lomi. First, simply add your food waste, coffee grounds, and other compostable materials to it. Next, press a button and watch before your eyes as Lomi turns it into soil. Then the soil can either be deposited outside in your yard or used for your indoor and outdoor gardens. 

Lomi cuts down a family’s environmental footprint by 50%! It is a great way to involve your whole family in making sustainable choices. Visit Lomi’s official website to learn more.

Sandwich Sealer

If you’ve got picky eaters in your life, we have the product for you!

For most kids, and some adults, there is nothing quite like the culinary experience of eating a PB&J sandwich. Now, add a PB&J with no crust – winning!

Many of us have been saved from a sudden hungry toddler meltdown by quickly whipping up a go to classic and cutting off each of the edges, which can be daunting.

Allow us to introduce The Sandwich Sealer!

This nifty little device allows you to make your own crust free style sandwiches at home. The best part, you can make whatever type of sandwich you like, seal it closed with the press and pack up for an afternoon picnic. Alternatively, you can freeze them to eat at a later date, which is a great grab & go option. 

What are your favorite kitchen tools and gadgets? Leave us a comment below!

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