Cameron Rogers’ Night-time Tips For A Better Sleep

The Cool Mom Co. Founder and Host of The Cool Mom Code Podcast, Lizzy Mathis recently caught up with the amazing Cameron Rogers, the mastermind behind The Freckled Foodie and Friends Podcast and a stellar mama of two. Get ready to up your sleep game with Cameron’s ultimate sleep hacks that will revolutionize your snooze routine! From combating sleepless nights to reaching the zenith of well-rested vibes, Cameron spills the tea on all the must-know tips and tricks. Buckle up as we uncover the secrets to take your sleep schedule to the next level. Stay tuned for the wisdom drop that’ll transform your zzz’s game!

Unplugged and ready to unwind: My nighttime routine starts with a strict digital detox by 8:30 pm – no phones, no screens. With no TV in our bedroom, it’s all about creating a sleep sanctuary. By 9 pm, I’m nestled under the cozy glow of red lights, minimizing sleep-disrupting wavelengths.

Curling up with a good book is my prelude to a 10 pm bedtime, aided by my trusty night guard for my TMJ. The Hatch sound machine sets the ambiance and doubles as my morning alarm, ensuring a restful slumber.

As a surprising yet effective finale, I opt for mouth taping to promote better breathing habits – a game-changer in my sleep routine for over a year now!

To give ourselves a helping hand, we’ve enlisted overnight support for our newborn, allowing for more rest and involvement in nurturing our little one. Here’s to a better sleep and improved well-being!

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