7 Tips To Instantly Banish Stress During Your Kids Nighttime Routine

The nighttime routine has been dubbed by some as the gift and the curse. It’s such a sweet time to spend with the kids reading, getting into pjs, brushing teeth and finding a nice rhythm to end the day. On the other hand, it’s when most kids like to elongate the process after a long day of virtual school, breaking up sibling spats and feeding everyone 3 times or more.

Our team has rounded up 7 Tips to Instantly Banish Stress During Your Kids Nighttime Routine, so you can relax a little and look forward to that much needed adult time!

1. Light Yoga or Stretch

Do a little lite yoga or a good stretch before you start the nighttime routine. Keep it simple like tree pose or downward facing dog, simply to calm your mind and encourage your body to relax. It may be challenging with the littles running around you but take 5 minutes while they are playing or even better, have them join you!

2. Keep On Schedule

Easier said than done after a long day! Studies have shown, when kids know what to expect they have a tendency not to fight the process as much. If bedtime is at 7:30pm, then give yourself plenty of time to complete your routine of bath and books before bed.

3. Play Your Tunes

Turn on your favorite playlist in the background during their nighttime routine and relax into it. Whether it’s R&B, Jazz or Pop, it may give you a little jolt of serenity or energy that you need.

4. Have A Drink

Sip a cup of warm tea (or a glass of wine, if you prefer) during your nighttime routine. Both have extremely relaxing benefits and will help ease that evening stress.

5. Take Deep Breaths

Try Box Breathing to reduce stress. Box breathing, also known as four-square breathing, involves exhaling to a count of four, holding your lungs empty for a four-count, inhaling at the same pace then holding air in your lungs for a count of four before exhaling and starting again.

6. Have Your Bath Essentials Ready

While you are prepping for the kids bath time, prep for yours too. Set out your bath time essentials like salts, lotion and candles. Focus on calming scents like lavender, which is a plus for relaxation. When you are finished with the kiddos, your quiet time is ready to go.

7. Have A Snack Ready

Prep a light treat for yourself. Dried fruit, almonds, or dark chocolate in the evenings with a cup of tea to de-stress and wind down.

We hope these tips encourage you to find the serenity in bath time and take a moment for yourself!

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