Cool Mom: Joy Nakayama

Occupation: Co-owner/founder of Imazaki Dojo, where I teach karate, yoga and hold Girl Power Circle™, Model
Mom of: 2

Can you tell us a secret no one would guess about you? 

I haven’t worn deodorant in over 10 years… lol. 

One meal you could eat everyday? 


One vice you wont give up? 

Exercise. My kids can tell the days that I’m not able to fit in a workout.  I’m less patient and more irritable!  

Late riser or early bird?

 Early bird gets the worm!

Morning routine you swear by? 

My morning routine is my sanctuary! It took me a while to figure that out. But, whew, without it, I am not the same person!  I wake up every morning and immediately get on the peloton (sounds cheesy I know, but it’s amazing!).  Then I do some yoga poses followed by meditation & journaling. I have to wake up at least an hour before everyone else to make this happen, but it’s so worth it!  It is usually the only “me time” I will get all day. Making that time is a huge priority for me!

One day I hope… 

I hope that my children continue their journeys into adulthood, with grace, compassion, strength, intention and purpose.  I hope they achieve their dreams.  For me, I hope I get to witness it all! 

More the merrier or less is more? 

Totally depends on my mood.  Sometimes, I feel like being around a ton of people and taking in the energy that a big group can hold.  And other times, I crave that small group atmosphere, where I can feel a more close and personal connection.  And sometimes, I just want to be alone!

Cool Brands you love? 

 I love Beauty Counter for their clean products but also for their dedication to lobbying for better regulations regarding the beauty industry.  I also love all SkinByMamie products and services! Oh, and I love Trader Joes!  

On the horizon: what’s coming soon?

 I am super excited to start holding Girl Power Circle ™ again.  Because of Covid and some other personal commitments, I had to take a break from holding Circle. I literally can not wait to start again!  Here’s a little bit about my circles. ” Girl Power Circle ™ creates a safe and brave place. We talk about all of the relevant issues that our young girls face today and the issues they will face tomorrow.  The circle helps the girls to embrace their power, their voice and ultimately grow into the amazing women that we know they are. Yoga, meditation, games, art and conversation are a part of the magic. There is no way to put into words the power of GPC. The girls have so much fun and leave feeling nourished and free. It’s time for a much needed connection with our peers.”

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