A Cool Mom’s Must Have Kitchen Gadgets

Often, at The Cool Mom Co., you’ll hear us talking about the benefits of minimalism. After all, we really do believe that less is the best way to free up time and mental space.

Yet, when it comes to the kitchen, we love a good gadget.

The average person spends around 3 hours a day in their kitchen. That’s a significant amount of your day! Why not have a set of tools on hand that can make the job easier?

That’s exactly what we’ve prepared for you, today. We are taking you through all our must-have kitchen gadgets and tools to help make mealtime a breeze.

New Meal Ideas

The first step to any delicious meal is to have a good recipe on hand. If you’ve already cooked through the delicious recipes on our website, you might be looking for some new, healthy recipes to add to your meal rotation. 

We’re huge fans of “Superfood Weeknight Meals,” by Kelly Pfeiffer. This handy cookbook offers tons of healthy meal ideas that can all be made in thirty minutes or less.

The flavorful recipes all feature superfoods like quinoa, avocado, and citrus, to jumpstart your nutrition.

Keep It Sharp

Any professional chef will tell you that the most dangerous thing in your kitchen is a dull knife. Dull knifes are difficult to control and lead to subsequent injuries.

We’re all super busy, and don’t necessarily have the time to go get our knives professionally sharpened. With this at-home knife sharpener, though, you don’t need to! 

With two different angle setting, this manual knife sharpener uses diamond abrasives to efficiently sharpen your knives. This gadget works with both straight and serrated knives.

2-in-1 Pot

Looking to make a dinner that has maximum flavor, but minimum dishes? Look no further than this multipot from All-Clad.

This unique design features an aluminum base pot, with a perforated insert and steamer basket. No need to pull out a colander to strain your pasta with this tool! Instead, simply lift the insert from the base pot, and voila! Perfectly cooked noodles, every time.

Use the steamer basket to cook a side of vegetables while the rest of your food is cooking, as well!

All-Clad is a popular brand with professional chefs across the globe. Their durable cookware is sure to last you a lifetime!

Creative Storage Solutions

Who says kitchen should be designed to only be functional? With this hanging shelf, your kitchen can be cute as well!

In many kitchens, the goal is to maximize as much of the square footage as possible. That means, if you are looking to add decor to your kitchen, you may be hard pressed to find space. 

This neat little shelf can be hung on any free wall space. Add a plant, or a candle, and you have some Pinterest-worthy decor that can be set up in less than 30 minutes!

Fermentation Jars

You take a daily probiotic, to support your gut health. But did you know that you could get those same probiotics from food you make in your kitchen?

A quality set of fermentation jars is essential, for anyone who is interested in making their own fermented food. Use these jars to make things like sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, or even your own fermented hot sauce.

The key is the weighted lids, that keep your vegetables underneath the brine level. The best part? These lids are designed to fit any standard mason jar, so that you can use them with the materials you already have at home!

On-The-Go Blender

We’re obsessed with nutritious, produce-packed smoothies as an easy, on-the-go meal. Smoothies that have been sitting around for a few hours, though, are less than appealing.

Now you can make a freshly blended smoothie wherever you are, with these portable blenders!

Despite looking like a normal, cool, water bottle, these blenders feature a powerful blade that can make you the perfect smoothie in seconds. It’s totally wireless, too, so you can make smoothies at your desk, at the gym, or even on the go in the car!

Bread Lame

Looking to start making your own bread at home? Then you need a bread lame!

These small tools contain a razor that allows you to score the dough before baking. This allows the moisture in the dough to be released without the bread cracking. 

You can keep it simple, or get really creative in the way you score your bread. Seasoned bakers love to create intricate, beautiful designs on their loaves.

We love this lame, which features a gorgeous, black walnut handle. 

Store Your Produce in Style

Love keeping fresh fruit on hand in your kitchen? So do we. However, when every inch of counter space is useful, it can be a pain to figure out how to store an abundance of citrus, apples, and avocados.

Instead, try out this hanging produce basket. The intricate macrame design well help you achieve the boho aesthetic of your dream, while freeing up that much needed counter space.

Master The Perfect Tofu

If you’ve been trying to incorporate more plant based foods into your diet you NEED to buy this tofu press!

Tofu comes packed in water, which means that when you pull it out of the packaging, it has absorbed a lot of excess liquid. In order to get the best cook on it, as well as have it soak up marinades, you need to press that liquid out of it.

It’s easier than ever with this tofu press. Not only does it remove excess water, but it also works as a great storage container. Leave your tofu in it for twenty minutes, or overnight if you are meal prepping. 

Keep Your Herbs Fresh

We’ve all taken a trip to our farmer’s market to buy fresh herbs, only to have them go bad quickly in the fridge. 

With this herb storage container, your herbs can stay fresh up to ten days longer! It’s all in air vents, which allows the herbs to breathe, while still keeping them properly sealed.

What is your must-have kitchen gadget? Share with us in the comments below!

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