2025 marks the beginning of a new year which means everyone is scrambling to get to the gym to lose those extra holiday pounds. While that is a great way to jumpstart the new year, for some of us, it’s just not your idea of “new year, new you” or it simply feels redundant. So how do we make the most of the new year? We’ll tell you!
With all the chaos that comes with the holiday season, The Cool Mom Crew believes that organizing your life for the new year is important as it sets the tone for how you would like this year to flow. Yes, we know that things don’t always go according to plan but it doesn’t hurt to at least have a plan right? Of course!
Because of this, we have drummed up a list of things that can help you organize your life and have you feeling prepared for 2023.
Declutter Your Home

The new year is all about starting fresh so it’s in with the new and out with the old. This definitely sounds like a no-brainer but clearing out your home of things that are either old or hardly used is a great way to open yourself and your home to the new energy that the new year will bring. This also applies to your closet. We’re looking at you, hoarders
Don’t be afraid to rid yourself of all things that are old or no longer being used, it’s only making room for more of the new.
Buy a Planner

The best way to keep yourself organized is to have all your stuff written down in front of you. While most of us can easily remember notes on their phones to keep them on track, it’s scientifically proven by Psychology Today that writing something down lessens your chances of forgetting. With all the new goals you have for the new year, you’ll want to not only remember them but keep them organized.
Set New Goals for the New Month

We specify a new month because it’s easier to eat a slice of a cake than the whole dang thing at once. While it is possible to eat it all, you have got to start somewhere, right? Plus there’s less pressure on yourself to keep up the goals for the entire year, that’s a long time and we as humans are constantly evolving, so who’s to say your goal this month will be the same for the next or the one after etc. Long story, short; be patient with yourself and start with just a slice.

Okay, we’re sure you’ve heard this hundreds of times before but allow us to tell you one more time. Meditation and mindfulness are so important. We are constantly on the go to the point where we don’t even get a chance to process our own thoughts and feelings. Which is why we recommend meditating and practicing mindfulness.
It may take a second to really get into and (forewarning) it also may seem silly at first but we’re also sure the first time you rode a bike you weren’t tapped to be in a triathlon.
Give it a serious shot! Plus,there’s so many helpful tools like Insight Timer that offer free guides on meditation from as short as two minutes to as long as an hour or even more. Trust us, the calm vibes you’ll feel is a game changer!
Build a Routine That Works for YOU.

What’s good for the goose isn’t always good for the gander (or whatever the old saying is.)
So while you may feel inclined to take advice from your fave social superstars or close friends, only you know your true schedule and what you can actually maintain long-term. Take time out to figure out what works for you so you’re able to lean into that work-life balance. Set up a routine that caters to your lifestyle, needs and goals. It may take a minute to get the routine running smoothly but we know you’ll be glad you did.
Clean Up Your Social Media

Crazy thought: what if the people who stressed you out or don’t add anything positive to your life on social media or through email, suddenly were a non-factor?
Well, we’re here to tell you it’s possible with one simple task: unsubscribe/unfollow.
YES! It’s just that easy! We all know one … or two … okay, several accounts that we either follow on social media or still get annoying emails from that we are just no longer interested in! So why continue to have it thrown in your face? Life is already difficult with it’s ups and downs, now when you’re ready to unwind from all that madness you want toto open their phone to more madness??
No ma’am! You deserve to live with the least amount of stress possible and it starts with your very own phone. If you’re not quite ready tot unfollow, go ahead and hit the block button. You’ll thank us later.
There you have it! Our suggestions on how to organize your life in the new year! Want to add more to the list, drop some comments below to share your ways on how you organize your life for the new year.
In the meantime, remember: stay cool, mamas.