Ways To Get Hydrated (And Stay That Way)

We all know that good hydration is key to maintaining our overall well-being. After all, our bodies are about 60% water. Staying hydrated is key to maintaining good digestion, glowing skin, and functioning muscles.

Drinking your daily H2O doesn’t seem like it would be so hard. But busy moms everywhere will tell you that between work and raising a family, putting your own health at the end of the to-do list is more common than you think.

Well, from our cohort of Cool Moms to you, we say enough is enough! If there’s one thing we support, it’s mothers and parents recognizing the value of their own health. If you’re struggling to drink as much water as you should, here are our tried and true tips to making sure you never get dehydrated again.

Buy A Large Water Bottle

Allow us to paint you a picture. You’re sitting at your desk, working through the endless emails that landed in your inbox over the weekend. You reach for your tried and true Nalgene bottle only to discover…it’s empty. Now, it would be easy enough to walk over to the nearest sink, and refill, but…you were kind of in the zone with your workflow. So, you let it slide, figuring you’ll get to it later. But sure enough, hours go by and you’ve forgotten all about your own needs.

We’ve all been there. And the fix? Easy peasy. Just get a bigger water bottle!

A larger-sized water bottle can help get rid of those excuses about getting a refill throughout the day. Allow us to present to you the Hydrojug. This mega water bottle can hold a gallon of water, making it easier than ever to meet your daily water intake.

Incorporate Hydrating Foods

If you are someone who has to force yourself to down a cup of water, you can boost your hydration by choosing your foods wisely!

Just like salty foods can dehydrate us, water-rich food sources like fruits and vegetables can do a great deal to ensure our body is hydrated. Foods like melons, citrus, cucumber, and leafy greens all have high water content, making them a perfect addition to your meals and snacks. 

Smoothies and juices are another great way to get hydration that packs a flavorful punch. While the occasional juice is just fine, we tend to prefer a fiber rich smoothie that will keep you full and satiated for longer. You can find the recipe for our favorite tropical smoothie here!

Try A Hydration Supplement

If eight glasses a day feels like too much for you to stomach, try taking your hydration to the next level with a hydration supplement, like the ones from Liquid IV. These tiny packets boost the hydration factor of your glass of water by three! The secret is in the Cellular Transport Technology, which helps the electrolyte-rich formula reach your cells faster. These packets come in a variety of tasty flavors such as Lemon Lime, Passionfruit, and Guava.

Avoid Dehydrating Beverages

It seems counterintuitive, but some drinks can actually leave you more dehydrated than when you started! Namely, any caffeine based beverage. Now, don’t worry, we aren’t asking you to abandon your morning coffee completely (we would NEVER). But before you reach for the mid-afternoon pick me up drink, check in with yourself and make sure you aren’t grabbing it to quench a thirst. 

Are you a hydration Queen? Or do you struggle to drink as much as you should? Share the tips and tricks that have worked for you, below!

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