We live in a culture that is hyper-focused on productivity. You can’t step outside without being bombarded by messages telling us to “hustle” or “stay on that grind.” And, of course, there’s this saying:
“We all have the same 24 hours in a day. It’s what we do with them that matters!” (We still believe Beyonce has 48 hours in a day but who’s counting?!) Now compare those 24 hours with your child-free friends and let’s just say, it feels vastly different.
All of us, at one point, have bought into the idea that we should be working harder, being more present, and/or staying more organized than we are. Add in social media to that mix and it’s a recipe for disaster. When we break it down, none of us are looking for a perfectly productive life. We are looking for a less stressful, more intentional life, with a to-do list that actually feels manageable.
Here, at The Cool Mom Co, we are sharing our three-step formula to help you make intentional choices throughout your day so that you feel in control of your schedule, instead of your schedule being in control of you!
What is Necessary?
One of the biggest problems with making a to-do list for the day is that it can get hugely aspirational, really quickly. If you’re organized enough, you can find time for meetings, have a family game night, exercise, run an errand, and still get to bed at a reasonable time, right? Well…maybe.
We set ourselves up for disappointment when we create unrealistic goals. To avoid this, start by listing out the daily activities that are absolutely necessary. You have to eat three times a day. The kids have to get ready for school. You have to go to work.
As you go through your day, run a timer on your phone to see how long each of these necessary activities take. Seeing those numbers can be a reality check and help you realize how much free time you actually have in the day to tackle other projects.
What Would Be Good?
After you’ve identified your immediate, daily needs, move on to things that don’t necessarily have to get done but would increase your quality of life. Do you need a daily workout to stay energized and feeling good or are you feeling a need for connection? Perhaps spending those thirty minutes on the phone with a friend is a better option for you, today!
It’s important to remember that no one can get everything done in one day. Take time to check in with yourself, and decide what would bring you the most fulfillment today, knowing that you can make a different choice tomorrow.
What Are Your Goals?
Oftentimes, we don’t talk about the secret to-do list. You know the one. The kind that you don’t write down, but are always thinking about, in the back of your mind. Paint the guest room, build the garden beds…the projects that have no pressing timeline but also take a lot of time and planning.
It can seem trivial but not knowing when you will get a chance to tackle them can weigh heavily in your mind. It can be difficult to give yourself permission to relax if you always feel a nagging sense of guilt about not working on these projects.
Give yourself some mental space by sitting down and planning exactly when you’re going to do these things, similar to how you would plan a vacation. You might realize you don’t have the time to tackle it for another six months but knowing when it’s going to be done, frees up any internalized guilt you may have about not getting around to it sooner. You don’t have to waste your free time thinking about how you could be using it more productively.
Your version of a productive schedule is going to be just as unique as you. Being intentional about your goals and realistic about your time, allows you to craft a day that works best for you.