Cool Mom: Sade Lythcott

 Occupation: CEO of The National Black Theatre
Mom of: 1 child named Thelonious, age 6

Can you tell us a secret no one would guess about you?

I’m actually an introvert.

One meal you could eat everyday? 

Chicken noddle soup. 

One vice you wont give up? 

Wine & Spirits.

Late riser or early bird? 

 Naturally a late riser, but motherhood has made me flip the script. 

Morning routine you swear by?

Morning snuggles with Thelonious & drinking a cup of lemon water (room temp) to help balance my bodies ph.

One day I hope…

 We’ll all be free. 

More the merrier or less is more?

 Less is more. 

Cool Brands you love? 

Black Girls Are For Grownups 

On the horizon: what’s coming soon?

 National Black Theatre’s brand new BEAUTIFUL home! 

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