Cool Mom: Mattie James

Occupation: Lifestyle Expert + Author
Mom of: 3

Can you tell us one secret no one would guess about you? 

 I am double-jointed in my right arm. 

One meal you could eat everyday?

Lamb chops and french fries.

One vice you won’t give up?

Watching reality TV!

Late riser or early bird? 

Early bird in this season of my life.

Morning routine you swear by? 

 Prayer + Coffee.

One day I hope…

One day I hope…that my kids grow up to be who they are made to be.

More the merrier or less is more?

More the merrier!

Cool brands you love?

Target, Olma the label, Nichole Lynel, Shopbop, Phlur.

On the horizon: what’s coming soon? 

Products + In-person events (that is all I can say about that for now)

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