Cool Mom: Jennifer Meyer

Occupation: Founder & Designer of Jennifer Meyer Jewelry
Mom of: 2

Can you tell us a secret no one would guess about you?

I’m amazing at hoola-hooping! 

One meal you could eat everyday?

Oh wow, I love food. Give me unlimited dim sum everyday and I would be happy!

One vice you wont give up?

My morning cup of decaf coffee.

Late riser or early bird?

Early bird… not by choice but no matter what I’m up early.

Morning routine you swear by?

I love my morning coffee, reading my emails, the news and catching up on texts. It’s quiet and I get so much done. Then nothing like a good Tracy Anderson workout to keep me calm. Oh and I call Sara Foster on the way to the workout to make sure we didn’t miss anything from last night. Haha

One day I hope…

That people don’t suffer from anxiety (me!)

More the merrier or less is more?

If we’re talking about jewelry, the more the merrier.  Same with people, there is always an extra seat at my table.

Cool brands you love?

Favorite DaughterSp5der, and Ray Ban – I am a classic wayfarer girl every day of the week! 

On the horizon: what’s coming soon?

More jewelry, more diamonds, more fun.

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