Cool Mom: Cameron Rogers

Occupation: Content Creator, Podcast Host, Mom & Mental Health Advocate
Mom of: 1 (soon to be 2!)

Can you tell us a secret no one would guess about you? 

I don’t think this is necessarily a secret, but I always find that people are surprised to learn this given the industry I work in (as a content creator and podcast host). I am embarrassingly in the dark when it comes to pop culture and even celebrity names. I don’t know what the roadblock is in my brain, but I am for some reason unable to retain any information when it comes to that world and am always amazed by how much some people know.

One meal you could eat everyday?

My two go-to breakfast options that I rotate between pretty much every morning: avocado toast with eggs (either fried or scrambled) and a bowl mixed with yogurt, MUSH overnight oats, berries, peanut butter, and topped with granola.

One vice you wont give up?

I don’t believe in “vices” because I consciously decide to do everything so why feel guilt or shame over it? That being said, what some would consider a “vice” or “guilty pleasure” which I absolutely do not is a staple in my every day: ice cream. It is my favorite food and always has been / will be and is something I enjoy every single day.

Late riser or early bird? 

Early bird 100%!!! Always have been. In my ideal world I am in bed by 9PM reading, asleep by 10PM, and up around 5:30AM. My brain simply does not function at night and I absolutely love the quiet of the mornings.

Morning routine you swear by? 

I am a big morning routine person. It sets the tone for my day and is my designated “me time” that I get every morning. Especially as a mom, it is vital for my mental health. I get up at least an hour before my son to have time for myself so my alarm is going off around 5:30-6AM depending on the day. I meditate for 20 minutes and then go downstairs to drink a glass of lemon water or AG1 and journal. Journaling is a huge part of my routine and life as it helps me sort through my constant stream of thoughts. I then make my coffee and head upstairs to our at-home gym to do a 15-20 minute workout (typically The Sculpt Society or Range by Kara Duval). Movement has always played a huge role in my life and is so vital for my mental health and I find the 20-minute options or less are perfect for me and my schedule. I then go to the bathroom, run through any missed texts from the night prior, try to do the NYT Mini Crossword, and then wake up my son for the day! We go downstairs, make breakfast together, and then try to go on a walk outside if the weather is nice!

One day I hope… 

that my kids grow up in a world where they are safe and everyone is accepted for who they want to be.

More the merrier or less is more? 

Less is more! I am easily overstimulated and this goes for a lot of avenues of my life. Even with “stuff”, I get so easily overwhelmed. I wish I could be a pure minimalist, but I am trying!

Cool Brands you love? 

I am a big jewelry girl so some of my favorites right now are By Chari, Alexa Leigh, Foundrae, and Retrouvai 

On the horizon: what’s coming soon? 

Baby number 2! I am expecting my second child in October of this year and am so excited to bring them into the world and expand our family. We aren’t finding out the sex so I am even more excited for that day than I could imagine!

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