A Cool Mom’s Guide To Flying With Kids

There’s nothing quite as exciting as the idea of watching your kids explore the world around them. There’s so much to see and learn, and we all want our children to be able to experience that.

The actual traveling part, however? Well. It can be stressful enough to make you want to stay home at times.

Here at The Cool Mom Co., we try to demonstrate that life doesn’t stop just because you become a parent. In fact, it can be better than ever. If you love traveling, there’s no reason to give it up just because you have young children.

If you’re planning a vacation but are feeling intimidated about taking your children on a plane, you need to read our tips for flying with kids!

Bring Sensory Friendly Activities

When seated on an airplane, your little ones will be craving some stimulation. Satisfy that need by planning ahead and packing some sensory-friendly activities.

When planning out what activities you want to bring, the key is to make sure that they are mess-free and don’t take up much room in a bag. If possible, search for items that can be used for more than one activity.

Things like play-dough can be an excellent option for a flight. Play dough isn’t very messy, provides lots of positive sensory output, and can be used in various ways. Your children can play with it in a free-form way or turn it into a family game. Ask them to “cook” you certain food items or to make different animals out of the play dough. 

Other options could include:

Get Creative With Snacks

Plane food is pretty unappealing, even to us adults. To a picky toddler? Don’t even think about it. 

Having a variety of snacks on hand is a non-negotiable if you are flying with kids. While throwing some granola bars and crackers into your carry-on is fine, why not make snack time a fun activity? 

Capture your child’s interest by putting snacks into these convenient storage containers. These boxes take up less room in your bag than storing a bunch of snacks individually would. The dividers allow you to bring a wide variety. Your little one will have fun looking at all the different options and choosing which one they’d like to try next.

Looking for ideas of what to bring?

  • Cheerios
  • Dried fruit, like raisins, craisins, and goji berries
  • Granola bars, broken up into small pieces
  • Goldfish
  • Pretzels
  • Chocolate chips
  • Freeze-dried raspberries

Avoid Ear Popping

Having your ears pop is a natural part of flying. For us, it’s just a little bit annoying. For younger kids, though, it can be distressing. 

One of the best ways to help avoid ear popping is to give your children something to drink as the plane ascends. The swallowing motion will help relieve the ear pressure. Pack a juice box or box of milk to give them right as the plane takes off. If you have a child who is still nursing, consider breastfeeding them at the beginning of the flight. 

Schedule Walks

Young kids can’t stay still for too long. But no one wants to be the parent who has their kid running up and down the aisle of the plane. Instead, try and be proactive. Once every hour, invite your kid to “go on a walk” with you. You can make it a game, as well. Ask them to see how many people in red shirts they can find or to count how many steps it takes them to reach the end of the plane.

Moving around on a schedule can help avoid any meltdowns they may have later if they go too long without stretching their legs. 

Consider Sleep Schedules

Going on a plane can be a new and exciting experience. There’s no guarantee your child will sleep, no matter how much you might want them to.

That doesn’t mean you can’t take extra steps to help them. When booking flights, try to book them in the middle of the day. This will help ensure that you are in the air during your child’s normal naptime. 

A familiar blanket or pillow they can snuggle up with can help them feel cozy and sleepy. If you let them watch a movie, consider letting them start it before naptime. Chances are, they will fall asleep as they are watching. 

It’s Okay To Rely on Screen Time

While we are on the topic of movies, allow us to give you a little encouragement. While we think it’s a great idea to limit screentime in the day-to-day life of your kids, flying on a plane is a special occasion. 

You don’t need to feel guilty if using screens helps your kids (and you) get through the travel experience more smoothly. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do and if that means letting them watch “Encanto” on repeat, well, no judgment here. 

Use A Reading App

Reading is a great, calming activity that will keep your kiddos entertained. However, packing a bunch of bulky children’s books? Not ideal.

Instead, consider downloading an app onto your tablet. Many apps contain picture books that you can read aloud or have a voice actor read to your child. We love Epic. Epic contains hundreds of books and offers a read-along feature to help your child’s reading skills. 

For older children, you can borrow audiobooks from your local library. Download the Libby App for any advice for hours of fun, enriching entertainment. 

Creative Fine Motor Skill Activities

Want something that will require brain power and hand-eye coordination for your young ones? Consider packing some activities that rely on their fine motor skills.

With this, you can get as crafty as you want or rely on store-bought tools. Our favorites?

  • Reuse the cheerios in your snack container as a fun craft. Bring a pair of shoelaces with you, and allow your child to string the cereal onto the laces. 
  • Got an empty spice container? Bring it along with a few pipe cleaners. Allow your child to try and put the pipe cleaners into the holes on the lid
  • Lacing Cards like these ones can teach your children the fundamentals of sewing
  • Bring along some embroidery thread and tape, and teach your kids how to make friendship bracelets. It will be just like summer camp!
  • For older kids, consider getting them this potholder loom. This is a fun craft that will keep them busy with no mess. 

Don’t Forget To Breathe.

This is our most important tip, Mamas. Remember to breathe. You are a great parent, and this flight is just a temporary bump on the way to a great vacation. Kids feed off of the energy of adults. If you are stressed, they will be too. 

Remember that you can handle this. If you are traveling with a partner, be sure to take turns entertaining the kids so that neither of you gets overwhelmed.

You got this!

What are your favorite tricks to use while flying with kids? Share your ideas in the comments below. 

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