Cool Mom: Dr. Samara Chienye

Occupation: Medical Affairs Specialist, Pharmacist, and Content Creator
Mom of: One daughter

Can you tell us a secret no one would guess about you?

I wouldn’t say it’s a secret, but I have a trading group where we’re discuss all things related to the FOREX market. Also, I send out trading signals to the members within this group to assist in earning profits to meet their trading goals.

One meal you could eat everyday?

Oh wow, this is hard. However, I love some good ole shrimp taco’s.

One vice you wont give up?

I cannot give up my monthly nail appointments. It’s just something about getting a new color, new design, or even a new shape that sets the tone for the month. 

Late riser or early bird?

Growing up, I was definitely a late riser. However, since becoming a new mom, I am an early bird now. 

Morning routine you swear by?

I get up and thank God for giving me another day to live and go into worship by praising him through listening to gospel songs. After that, I will check my email, take my supplements, and just get ready for the day before my baby wakes up lol.

One day I hope…

To own acres of land with a beautiful house, fruit/vegetable garden, and a few farm animals. 

More the merrier or less is more?

Less is more because quality is more important than quantity.

Cool brands you love?

Louis Vuitton, Zara, Target, Amazon, and Sephora to name a few.

On the horizon: what’s coming soon?

I am finishing up the final touches for my first children’s book that will be published on February 1st which is my daughter’s first birthday. I am looking forward to sharing this amazing book. 

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